Monday, November 30, 2009

Has John McCain suffered because he has yet mastered the art of theatricality and deception like Barack Obama?

No, he's suffered because of his policy positions. They're out of touch with the American people, and reality.Has John McCain suffered because he has yet mastered the art of theatricality and deception like Barack Obama?
I think that McCain or anyone should avoid mastering the art of theatricality and deception that Barack Obama has mastered. He is running for president of the United States and that takes a lot of work and attention to issues and policies. I don't agree with his politics but know that he has worked hard in the Senate and will as president. Obama will get bored if he doesn't get to give a speech every 3 days and a state dinner at least twice a week. Reading a bill submitted to congress is going to be tedious for him. He'll be jumping up and running for the gym while an aide tries to read it to him on the sidelines. Unless there's a photo opportunity attached....Has John McCain suffered because he has yet mastered the art of theatricality and deception like Barack Obama?
No, John McCain has suffered because he likes Americans and the USA. Obama insults Americans and wants to change the USA and Americans have put him in the lead and Europe loves him.

Nice quote, David H, so typically lib.

Lots of talking points and historical quotes.

Don't try to think for yourself, just goosestep in line with the rest.
Yes, perhaps Georgie and the Neocons could give him some lessons. He's already adopted their policies, why not their tactics?

';Obama insults Americans';

The Neocons are an insult to all humanity. The last 8 years are a stain on American history.

Now join me in a little song....

Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, Iran!!!

Here another song, just your type (an oldie but a goodie).

Mine eyes have seen the orgy of the launching of the Sword;

He is searching out the hoardings where the stranger's wealth is stored;

He hath loosed his fateful lightnings, and with woe and death has scored;

His lust is marching on.

I have seen him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps;

They have builded him an altar in the Eastern dews and damps;

I have read his doomful mission by the dim and flaring lamps --

His night is marching on.

I have read his bandit gospel writ in burnished rows of steel:

';As ye deal with my pretensions, so with you my wrath shall deal;

Let the faithless son of Freedom crush the patriot with his heel;

Lo, Greed is marching on!';

We have legalized the strumpet and are guarding her retreat;*

Greed is seeking out commercial souls before his judgement seat;

O, be swift, ye clods, to answer him! be jubilant my feet!

Our god is marching on!

In a sordid slime harmonious Greed was born in yonder ditch,

With a longing in his bosom -- and for others' goods an itch.

As Christ died to make men holy, let men die to make us rich --

Our god is marching on.

-Mark Twain
McCain suffers because he is not capable of intellectual, stimulating, fact-filled speeches. Also because he either continues to change his view on issues the average American cares about, or admits to his total ignorance on the subjects. He is running a sloppy, shoddy, idiotically staffed campaign, and he has no one but himself to blame for it.

Personally, I'm glad his campaign is terrible. Even if I had not already made up my mind about him, this lack of preparation and fact-checking would have alarmed me enough to avoid him at all costs. We've had enough of that scary sh it with the Bushies.
Yes McCain has old School values and can not tell lies as

are necessary in the modern age.

He is ruled by the good old Constitution. Americans first and forever.

We are the winners of the world and in order to keep our footing in this world to keep it from getting blown up. We have to stay

in charge.

We invent and create and others of lower intelligence can't see

our plan. Our plan has worked out so far. So forget the fact

that our hero McCain couldn't lie, when interrogated in Vietnam

and they torched him. You go ';gipper';

McCain 08
First off persuasion and deception are two entirely different things; deception is done with malicious intentions.McCain has suffered because McCain has yet to persuade voters. Obama on the other hand has years on McCain when speaking of the art of persuasion; it is his forte.
No, he suffers from supporting the conservative policies that have destroyed this country and having the bad luck of having

GWB precede him proving to almost all of us (82% at the last count) that the conservative policies are what has put this country on the wrong track. All the theatrics in the world would not help this. Of course if he could just deceive a few more people it may help and he does have Karl Rove working on that!
No he is a dumb old man with a rich wife. What will Mcshame do for everyone in this country...not all you old rich people? How will he fix the gas crisis? Hiw will he deal with the Mexican,Blacks, Indians, Japenese and all the other ethnic people who make up ore then 1/2 of the pupulation? Stop asking dumb questions...answer mine...
If you mean John McCain's terrible public speaking...yes. He needs to get it together. He's terrible at speeches, most press conferences, and occasionally at one on one interviews. The monotone delivery makes him seem like a zombie.
Apparently not, seeing as the polls show Obama only up by 1%, after all the fanfare.

..Obama actually went down 2% since his Europeon trip.
When he had the right STUFF he loved clowning and fooling around now the right STUFF have gone south.

Sen. McCain is not the choice to lead in the 21st. century.....He's stuck in Vietnam, War and more War.
Hasn't Obama suffered enought with people questioning his religion?

I'm disapointed in America that right now religion still plays a role in our modernized democracy.
if you take away from the loaded aspect of you question {deception},its actually a very interesting premis. no,McCain doesnt really excite people this way.he';s very low key in comparision.
No, he's suffering because he's a Republican who has supported the unpopular Bush Administration 95% of the time.
McCain is gaining in the battleground states. When Obama loses,he can take his traveling show to Europe.
John McCain suffers because he gets tired after climbing a flight of stairs.
He's 71 years old if he not mastered it by now then he's dummer than I thought.
No, McCain has suffered because he's a total moron thats incapable of being President
poeple, poeple, wait till the trip is over then look at the coming poll to see if it had any affect .are you republican this dumb?
No, he is holding his own in that department. Obama 2008!!!!!
you gotta be kidding.?

Why little white lies don't count as much as chocolate lies.?
he will be fine once the American people wake up,and see the sham that is Obama...
He doesn't need thrills and frills. He's got the Right Stuff.

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