Monday, November 30, 2009

John Cena vs Chris Masters vs Dolph Ziggler?

john cena because he is rated 5 star in all the matches and has won more wwe championships then the other opponent'sJohn Cena vs Chris Masters vs Dolph Ziggler?
John Cena Gets the Attitude Adjustment on Dolph Ziggler And Cena Turns Around To See Where Mastsers is and then cena knows that he is in the master lock and Cena Taps Out and Masters WinJohn Cena vs Chris Masters vs Dolph Ziggler?
ho are you going to put cnea with a bunch mid-carders the wwe would obivously choose cena.

That's like undertaker vs hornswaggle pretty easy choice.
I agree with ';U know ?'; Master wins but Cena doesn't tap out. The ref raises his hand 123 cena don't respond Master wins.
Ziggler would be the best wrestler in that match, so ziggler would win, but the match would be pretty bad
It doesn't matter who could win, the victor is decided before the match even starts.

It's acted. Set up.

Don't deny it.
Gotta be a little specific on what kind of match, but my answer would remain the same- John Cena!
Cena Sucks

Chris Masters v Dolph Ziggler would be an awesome feud though.
Cena sucks

I like Dolph

Masters rocks

winner: Masters
Chris Masters.
in what, as what, for what?

Cena should win!
John cena, coz he's great, i like him alot. FU
Dolph FTW!
wat a gay match
my man cena wins.
Ziggler Suck Balls Masters ok but Cena would win

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