Monday, November 30, 2009

Who is the real John McCain? A racist or a spin master?

McCain and Palin at the begining of Last week, made some terrible remarks about their opponent that many see as unfair. Then on Friday, McCain's seeds were germinating within his audience when he said no, He is not Arab. He is a decent Man (Racist remarks because Arabs are also decent people). Then the next day he puts up an ad smearing his opponent. Who is McCain fighting with?Who is the real John McCain? A racist or a spin master?
He is both. Its petty McCain has lowered himself to this level. He has completely erased the COUNTRY FIRST from his slogan.Who is the real John McCain? A racist or a spin master?
Tell the truth is not lieing or smearing. These are all topics that the media should be covering but they are to bias to do their jobs. During this entire campaign Obama has been accusing McCain of association with Bush. No democratic outrage, no comments about germinating hate...they encouraged it and joined in with Mcsame. Then the democrats jump on Palin and her family. Again, no democratic response from Rep. Lewis about hate. But now and only now that the Republicans have been spreading the news of Obama associations...they are being accused as being racist, hate filled.

Obama's association with ACORN (worked, trained and gave money too)

Obama's association with Fannie Mae (gave money to him, Frank Raines CEO of Fannie Mae, advisor on campaign)

Obama's association with Tony Rezko (covicted of fraud, bribery, Arab, gave big money)

Obama's association with Jeremiah Wright (racist, anti-America)

Obama's association with Frank Davis (communist)

Obama's association with Louis Farrakhan (racist, anti-America)

Obama's association with Michelle Obama (racist, anti-America)
I am surprised nobody really picked up on the Arab Gaffe.McCain`s campaign has been mismanaged from the get go.Ultimately it is the candidate who is responsible for all components of his or her own campaign vetting,advisers strategy etc.So i`m thinking if he isn`t able to run a successful campaign,how is he to run a successful country.Obama with all his inexperience seems to be sailing smoothly on a well oiled machine of competence.All he needs to do now is run out the clock.

As for blue`s shady associations list,heres ten for mccain/palin just to get you started.鈥?/a>

Make absolutely no mistake but that McCain is a common variety verifiable racist.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>

For too long he has used and abused his war record to get away with atrocious racist behaviours .

McCain is the product of a highly dysfunctional childhood which resulted in McCain becoming what in my generation we called a PUNK ; a rebellious ,ego centric and pathologically angry young man who remains today essentially the same angry ';young man'; constantly reminding people of his POW experience to mute revulsion at his other behaviours

McCain is the ultimate rabble rousing ';bait and switch'; practitioner .One day he sends out his flunky minions to demonize and vilify Obama with highly inflamatory rhetoric like Obama is a TERRORIST but the next day he himself tries to pawn himself off as some wise moderate protecting poor Obama.

Absolutely SICKENING and offensive behavior.

McCain is a sick,dysfunctional,angry old man long ago ready for the pasture.
Funny how you call it smearing when he is doing what the media should be doing. Something smells fishy when Obama says Ayers, Rev. Wright, Tony Resno and Acorn aren't close associations. Why can't McCain do an ad showing these are the kind of people Obama hangs with? And why is it considered smearing when they are facts? The American people deserve to know this guy if he wants to be president.
Obama supporters are so brainwashed, that if you support McCain, you are labeled as a racist. It's getting ridiculous. The funny thing is, is that the Democratic party considers the average black person lower than them. The Democrats know that they have YOU by the balls. They know that they are in CONTROL of the black folks. And that's the way it is. Really, do you guys REALLY think that any politician gives a damn about any of us. NOPE. WAKE UP!
I have never understood why its not okay to for whites to be racist i mean our you going to lie to me and tell me blacks and hispanics aren't towards us?? I don't feel hate for anyone or want to see harm to anyone but we should be able to like and dislike all the same .I don't know about McCain but come on racism will always be there from both sides.
You are only hearing and remembering what you want to hear and remember. Selective memory because you are for Obama no matter what. It has been a long election and Usually the Dems are the negative campaigners.... look at the last election! I hope they bust out Obama on his radical friends!
Oh my, another Obama supporter trying to skew truth. You should be asking this question to your own candidate who has played the race card through his whole campaign. I bet Obama could have said the same thing and no one would've blinked an eye.
The answer is both. Hence his supporters.
I don't like Obama does that make me racist?
Why can't he be both?

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